viRepel AC
viRepel Solutions offers an affordable, non-disruptive solution for combatting bacteria and viruses on surfaces. Our antimicrobial copper product, viRepel AC, is proven to accelerate the destruction of Coronavirus and is longer lasting than chemical solutions. It also avoids the cost and hassle of replacing surfaces with real copper alloy products. Installing viRepel AC adds a sense of security to your patrons and customers.
Whereas plastic, steel and other surfaces can harbour germs and bacteria for several days, viRepel AC treated surfaces start to fight bacteria in less than an hour and destroys 99.9999% of Coronavirus within six hours. As such, applying viRepel AC to high-touches surfaces provides added protection to places where people work, shop, learn, and live and is a complement to – not a replacement for – standard infection control practices like washing hands and disinfecting surfaces.
viRepel AC will adhere to any dry, smooth, clean and solid surface. It works exceptionally well on substrates like metal, steel, glass, plastic, laminated wood, porcelain and other similar surfaces. Textured surfaces are less suitable and the desired surface should be free of contaminants like dirt and grease before installation. More porous surfaces like untreated or painted wood – for example – may not adhere as well given the fact that moisture can get between the surface and the adhesive properties.
Yes, viRepel AC works on surfaces like touch screen phones, tablets and kiosks. Our technicians are happy to provide a demonstration as part of the assessment process.
Given that the product is intended to inspire confidence via its presence on protected surfaces, product visibility (and branding) is subtle but noticeable.
viRepel AC adheres easily to all flat or moderately curved surfaces. Our product is also expertly die-cut such that it can be affixed to even small, precise surfaces like elevator buttons or card payment readers. While the product can be affixed to extremely rounded surfaces like doorknobs, these surfaces can be less compatible in cases. As part of our assessment phase, our trained technicians will make a comprehensive recommendation as to viRepel AC placement and coverage.
viRepel AC contains copper alloy which is proven to naturally fight bacteria and has been registered with the US EPA as such. Secondly, viRepel AC is an adhesive film that can be inexpensively and quickly placed over existing surfaces vs other copper treatment solutions which can be far more expensive, invasive and challenging to install.